Shipping and Returns

Shipping & Returns

Due to the nature of our products, we do not offer refunds or exchanges where you have changed your mind, made a wrong selection, misunderstood what you were buying, did not read the product description, have bought the product twice or more, have been gifted a product similar or the same, or found the goods cheaper elsewhere or on sale/promotion through us at any time.

Receiving Damaged Goods

It is the buyers responsibility to check all items immediately upon receiving.

If your order was received damaged in transit please email us with a description and supporting photographs at within 24 hours of receiving goods. Failure to report any damages within this timeframe may void any transit insurance for your goods and therefore a resolution may not be provided.

All damaged goods will be required to be returned to us so original packaging will need to be kept for return transit.

We reserve the right to refuse returned items if the items do not comply to our returns policy. Refused items will be posted back to you and additional postage will be charged. We accept no responsibility for returns that are sent by non-traceable postage methods and are not received. Unfortunately without the items we cannot issue an exchange or refund. We strongly suggest you send your returns using a traceable method.


All of our pieces are handcrafted in limited quantities, each item purchased on preorder is made especially for you and reserved in our shipment. For this reason, we ask that you choose carefully as we cannot offer refund for preordered items.

Occasionally delays can occur and we appreciate your patience, we promise your beautiful Nuage Interiors piece is well worth the wait! In the unlikely circumstance that the delay exceeds 30 days we may consider a refund upon request


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